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The Book of the Delmar #1: The Legend of Shark Island


One  of the things I spent the most time on was character names. I wanted each character's name to really describe him - tell who he really is.   I haunted baby name sites to the point that all my websites were promoting all things baby to me!  I hope as you go through this list, you can see the  personality of each character.


​Dylan - The name Dylan means "Son of the sea/tide/waves"

Murphy - Murphy means "Sea Warrior"   I chose both of these names independently, but together, I think they really describe the main character and his passion for the ocean. 


Terra -  The name Terra means "Earth," "Land," or "soil".  I wanted to express this character's fear of the sea by deviating from the water-related names many of her ancestors had.  (I made a family tree for the family, and most of their names deal with water due to the nature of their bond with the shark)


Delmar- The royal family's name had to show their tie to the sea.  Delmar mean "of the sea/ocean".  The first of the family on the island came from the sea when he was delivered by the shark.


​Fedder & Fezzah -  These names are a package deal.  You can try to look them up on baby name sites, but I doubt you'll find them.  But I know the meaning of both!  Fedder and Fezzah both mean "feather."  How do I know this?  Several years ago, I began babysitting a little girl named Emily who was the same age as my son Rory.  When they were about age 3, I noticed the very different way each of them said "feather."  Rory said "fedder," and Emily said "fezzah."  So I joked with some friends of mine that the next book I wrote would have a set of twins named Fedder and Fezzah.  When I started working on Isola di Squalo, I intended it to be a space age book, so those names would fit.  But  as the story evolved into its present form, I couldn't drop Fed and Fez so easily.  So I came up with real names they could be nicknames for.  Fez wasn't so easy which was why it was sort of a cop out.  Fed just made up a name for his sister.  Fedder, though, sounded like it could be a nickname for Friedrich which, coincidentally, is an old family name.  My first German relative in America was named Friedrich.  Works for me!


Friedrich - means "ruling in peace" and isn't that what the Delmars are all about?  Though I really chose this name for the above reasons, doesn't it seem plausible that Fed's parents would want their son to have a name that expresses the Delmar promise?


Delphine -  is a French name meaning "dolphin."  Delphine, to me, has many of the same characteritics as a dolphin:  beautiful, graceful, intelligent and intuitive.


Dirk -  This is the name I struggled with the most.  His character and much of this story line came from a work of fan fiction I wrote a few years ago.  In that story, the "bad guy" was Derk.  A name I just made up and liked because it sounded like "jerk."  As Isola di Squalo evolved, I needed a country for Dirk to hail from, and for the longest time, he was Greek.  I still have the paper with the list of possible Greek names for him, all meaning something like "enemy."  Ultimately, I landed on Scotland and accidentally stumbled on the name "Dirk" which means "dagger."  Perfect!


MacRae - means "Son of Grace" or "son of the king," and isn't that what the MacRaes wanted?


Ilario -  Ilario is an Italian name which means "cheerful."   He's not a huge character, but I enjoyed his presence, the ever-cheerful body guard/chauffer.


This was the first time I tried to write while listening to music, and I think it made a big difference.  The emotions of the different songs really enhanced the emotions of the story.   I tried out a variety of songs and bands, and these are the ones that stand out the most.

Home - Michael Buble:  This is the emotion that dominates Dylan after he returns home.  I don't want to give anything away, so I won't say more, but this song is so painfully beautiful, I have to avoid it sometimes so I don't slip into a funk!

Dancin Away With My Heart - Lady Antebellum:  By far, Lady Antebellum is what got me through this novel. I have 2 of their albums, and I just let them play over and over in the background. The emotion is beautiful; the love stories are moving.  But Dancin' Away with My Heart inspired Dylan and Terra's romance the most.  Though the song is about love lost, the idea of it inspired how my characters felt about each other.


The Ruler and The Killer - Kid Cudi:  I had a scene where the main character Dylan was angry, and I just happened to have just gotten a copy of the Hunger Games soundtrack and was trying it out.  This song came on just as Dylan's angry scene was coming up. The lyrics have nothing to do with the scene, but the more I listened to it, the angrier Dylan got.  I probably played the song 15 -20 times in a row, and I am very happy with the end result.

How - Maroon 5:  Dylan asks himself "how" and "why" over and over after he make a huge realization.  Again, don't want to give anything away, but this is the emotion ​after he opens a drawing made for him by Delphine Delmar.  Read the book.  This spot is easy to find!

Location:  Isola di Squalo is completely fictional, entirely created in my mind, but if you're wondering where it's supposed to be, here's a map.

The Delmar Tattoo - Wonder what it looks like?  Here's how it looks in my head.  Originally, the story was going to take place on a Pacific island which is how the idea of the tattoo came about.  But when I moved to the Med, I still liked the idea of the mark so much, I decided to keep it.


Granny's Ring - Granny's ring is a real thing.  My Granny gave me her ring a few years ago at Christmas.  The entire story about the ring in the book is true.  The only thing different is how the ring looks.

Delmar Family tree - this goes back to 1900.  You can see the countries the family members came from, when they ruled, and who the shark's victims were.

Terra's coronation dress - Terra's dress was modeled after this one.  It was Maria Feodorovna's from 1856.  Very beautiful!

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